Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Imago Dei - Part 2 - 'What Belongs to God?'

Imago Dei
Part 2
‘What belongs to God?’
Now because we are “stamped" (created) in God’s image that means something; especially as indicated in Part 1, it gives us great value first of all.  Next it means we owe something to our Creator.  And we owe something to the rest of creation. That is why God can command “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and your neighbor as yourself.”  How we respond to or love God and how we love or treat our neighbor is an indicator of how much we recognize that we are made in God’s image. Generally we have an idea in our heart that we 'love' God, but He puts us to the test by asking us if we love our brother or neighbor too.   I John 4:20 puts forth this idea that we 'cannot say we love God whom we haven't seen when we do not love our brother whom we have seen'.  So this idea of loving God and neighbor is a key foundation to understanding that being made in His image means something; i.e., it means that we must 'give to God what belongs to Him'.  So what kinds of things must we give God?   I am not going to say this list is all inclusive, as that would be impossible, but it's a place to start.   I am also not going to reference everything, as a general scriptural search will turn up dozens of references and for the truly curious will turn up even more. 

We learn that worship belongs to God and to God only.   When Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness after His 40 day fast; Jesus retorts in Luke 4:8 "worship the Lord.....only".   We are only permitted to worship God.  Any worship toward another person, creature, etc is idolatry and takes us away from the fact that we are made in God's image.  We essentially are declaring through worship that we want to be like the object of our worship.  Anything less then God in worship is a fatal mistake.  God loves us too much too not make that clear and it is pointed out continually in scripture.  From Genesis through Revelation.

And if we are to love Him with our 'heart, soul, mind, strength' then those things too, belong to Him.  So in the end, really everything that we may think belongs to us, belongs to Him.  Our 'heart, soul, mind, strength', our worship; these things do not belong to Caesar; they belong to God.  The mistake often made in ancient times with Caesar, and in recent times with the state, is thinking that somehow these things can belong to government, or worse yet a 'co-mingling' of Caesar and God.   God says He is a jealous God.  He does not share His glory with anyone or anything.  Communism was an attempt for government to assume the role of God.   The state gives 'meaning' and decides how you will perceive yourself (your image).  But we cannot lay all of the blame at 'communism' either.   Many Christians (although well-meaning) in the United States have decided that aligning themselves with one political party or the other is what will establish God's Kingdom.  They would deny it, but when questioned they act as though Christianity and the Church must be part of one party or the other, lest God fail and we plummet into a 1000 years of darkness. 

Whatever the outcome of this election, Christian's are called to be a people of hope, a people of 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances (and so on), a people of God that do not quit or give up, but work to see God's Kingdom established; not their own, not a political party's, not anything less then righteousness and peace.  Not anything less then the care of widows, foreigners, orphans, the hopeless, the needy, the homeless, the sick, and so on.  So we come full circle.  It is an old story, but must be retold again and again.  It must be lived over and over.  Government (Caesar) likes to talk about 'people' as some great collective that they will manipulate and control.  The Kingdom of God is about not only the group, but the individual as well.  Personal salvation matters.  We baptize individuals or perhaps groups, but still groups of individuals.   The personal confession of Christ matters.  Because you are made in the image of God, you matter, you are his creation and He 'knew you in your mother's womb'.   Only when we are in agreement with Christ can we speak of the 'community' of Christ, i.e., the Church.  That is where communion comes in.   It is the fellowship meal of believers.  You can think of  these things this way:  Baptism is the individual public confession of Christ and Communion is the group public confession of Christ. But I digress a bit.

In conclusion, your vote does matter because you matter.  Hear from God and do your best.  But more importantly, know that the sun will come up tomorrow no matter who wins this election, because the love of God holds the moon, the sun, the stars, the planets in place.  He holds your life in His hands, your families, your community, your church, too.  Do not grow weary of doing good.  Fight the good fight.  Confront Caesar when necessary, with love, charity, and humility.  Take care of the needy.  Love and comfort your family and friends.  Hasten God's Kingdom.  The Lord's prayer teaches us that it is His will for His Kingdom and Will to be done on earth just like in Heaven, and His Kingdom is eternal.  Caesar?  Not so much!